Bioresonance therapy is a totally non-invasive, painless, safe way to obtain information from the body about different aspects of health. It works by measuring frequencies of the body to identify the source of imbalances or disturbances.
Testing is done by holding two brass cylinders, electromagnetic signals are transferred to the skin, and the body’s response to those signals is recorded. The machine is effectively ‘asking the body-mind a question’. Any responses outside of specific limits is recorded and generated in a report form. If you are familiar with Kinesiology or Muscle Testing, Qest 4 works in a similar way, but is computerised and much faster.
Once an individualised set of signatures is obtained using this resonance-response process, the information can then be ‘imprinted’ into a medium, normally a liquid medium (drops) or skin patches (similar to a plaster).
The imprints help the body/mind system to learn better adaptive behaviours. These items may be as diverse as foods, pathogens, emotional patterns, colours or nutritional and pharmaceutical agents.
Diet and lifestyle changes, targeted supplements, herbs or homeopathy are used in addition to the imprinted remedy to complement the treatment process.