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Metabolic Dysregulation

A Naturopathic Approach to Metabolic Syndrome

What is

metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is defined as a combination of three of the following five conditions: abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure (hypertension), low HDL cholesterol and high serum triglycerides. Having these three conditions puts an individual at higher risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Metabolic Dysregulation

What are the symptoms of metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is becoming increasingly common with age. According to the NHS, it’s estimated 1 in 3 adults aged 50 and over are affected with metabolic syndrome. Symptoms of metabolic syndrome include:


Increased blood pressure


Inability to control blood sugar levels


Excess body fat around the waist


Being very overweight


Abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels


High triglyceride levels

Fat in the blood

Low HDL levels

The ‘good’ cholesterol

How can I prevent or reverse metabolic syndrome?

By making diet and lifestyle changes, preventing or reversing metabolic syndrome is possible. A nutrition and lifestyle plan is tailored to your eating and lifestyle habits, along with key herbal and nutritional supplements that provide your body with the nutrients to reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar, improve the gut microbiome and provide energy to your cells.

Many metabolic syndrome risk factors are modifiable, and we will work with these throughout your consultations. However, some risk factors are non-modifiable. These include

  • Gender and age
  • Hereditary factors / Genetics
  • Ethnicity

This is precisely why there is no one size fits all intervention. A personalised approach is necessary to prevent and manage metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic Dysregulation

Why is it important to reverse metabolic syndrome?

If you’ve been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, it’s important to take action and make diet and lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of developing a more serious condition like type 2 diabetes or heart and blood vessel disease.

Your personalised protocol

will include help to:


Lose weight

Exercise and move regularly

Eat a balanced, healthy diet with plenty of nutrient-rich foods

Balance blood sugar naturally

Manage cholesterol levels

Uncover hidden infections or pathogens contributing to your ill-health

Maintain a healthy gut and microbiome

Establish a restful sleep routine to wake up refreshed

Manage and reduce chronic stress

Address environmental toxins (including trauma, emotions)

If you’re motivated and ready to take control of your health, contact me or book your consultation.