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Optimise Your Health the Right Way

Naturopathic Approach to Your Health Goals

Using Naturopathy to Optimise Your Health

There is no doubt that nutrition, diet and lifestyle play a big role in optimising your overall health. Whether your goal is more energy, better skin or improved digestion, creating healthy eating and lifestyle habits that benefit your health will help you reach your goal.

As a Naturopathic Practitioner, I use natural therapies, nutrition, diet and lifestyle changes to help you improve and optimise your overall health. Whether your goal is to restore gut health, reduce toxicity, balance hormones naturally or gain energy and vitality, I help you achieve that with natural medicine, using the principles below.

About Chronic Illness

Naturopathic Principles

  1. First do no harm. We employ safe and effective methods and medicine such as nutraceuticals, herbal extracts and homeopathic remedies.
  2. The healing power of nature. We believe the body has an innate power to heal itself – this can be facilitated and enhanced with the aid of natural, non-toxic therapies. The body is stimulated by factors which promote health and suppressed by excesses and deficiencies.
  3. Identify and treat the cause.  We look for the underlying cause of the problem, rather than addressing only the symptoms. For example, it is common to see skin conditions where steroid creams are applied topically without addressing the internal imbalance.
  4. Treat the whole person using a holistic approach. We take into account the complex interactions of physical, mental, emotional and social factors that contribute to illness, and customise treatment protocols to the client.
  5. The person is treated, NOT the disease. Each individual is unique, each person responds in a different way.
  6. Naturopath as educator & teacher. We are teachers, educating, empowering and motivating people like you to assume responsibility for your health by adopting a healthy attitude and lifestyle.
  7. All disease starts with disruption to the body’s homeostasis. The body is constantly striving for homeostasis, but just like with plants, if they’re not given the right environment, soil and conditions to thrive and achieve homeostasis or balance, illness occurs. Health is a return to a balance of these mechanisms.
  8. Prevention is better than cure. We are specialists as preventative medicine.
  9. Establish optimal health. Health is greater than just ‘absence of symptoms’. Establishing and maintaining optimum health and abundant vitality are the primary goals of naturopathic practitioners.

The Toxic Bucket Theory of Health & Disease

Is Your Bucket Overflowing?

In a healthy person, the natural detox pathways are open to remove waste, clear toxins and prevent disease. Your ‘toxic bucket’ is being emptied quickly and regularly. Minimal toxins are stored in the body.
When we overload these drainage pathways with toxic foods, unhealthy lifestyle habits and plastics and pesticides, toxins are stored in the body’s organs and tissues. As time goes on, these pathways are unable to work efficiently and effectively. As toxins increase in the body, your ‘toxic bucket’ fills up, the toxic burden builds and at some point it hits a critical threshold.
At this point, the immune system becomes dysfunctional and either over responds and produces too much inflammation or it under responds and is unable to eliminate pathogens and damaged cells effectively.  Pathogens or infections are able to thrive in this scenario.

What 'Fills Up' Your Bucket?


Lack of sleep

Chronic stress

Water supply


Frequent use of antibiotics, nsaids, etc.

Alcohol or smoking

Beauty care products

Cleaning products


Heavy metals

Processed Foods

Living in mould

Air pollution

Dental infections or amalgam fillings


Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise

Lack of sunlight

Toxic emotions / trauma
About Chronic illness

How Can I Optimise

My Health Today?

  1. Eat real food as close to its natural state as possible. 
  2. Drink plenty of clean water every day. 
  3. Exercise when and where you can.
  4. Practice mindfulness. Be mindful whilst you eat, with your time, with your energy, etc.
  5. Don’t smoke or vape. 
  6. Limit your alcohol intake. 
  7. Maintain a healthy weight. 
  8. Prioritise good, quality sleep.
  9. Be in nature daily. 
  10. Find the right supplements. 


Working 1-2-1 with a Naturopathic practitioner is the most effective and efficient way to improve your health. Someone who will listen, analyse and coach you through a personalised, targeted plan to achieve your goals. If you’re motivated, ready and willing to make a transformational change, then send me a message. I’d love to help you on your journey!  





Book a Personalised Nutrition Consultation

Our Personalised nutrition clinic pricing



  • Pre-consultation assessment forms
  • Initial 60 minute nutrition consultation
  • Personalised nutrition and lifestyle protocol
  • Recipes
  • Home and environment assessment and recommendations
  • 10% discount on supplements via Amrita Nutrition and The Natural Dispensary
  • Nutrition testing recommendations & interpretation of tests



  • One 30 minute nutrition consultation
  • Updated nutrition and lifestyle protocol
  • Recipes
  • 10% discount on supplements via Amrita Nutrition and The Natural Dispensary
  • Advice on nutrition testing
  • Package


  • Pre-consultation assessment forms
  • Initial 60 minute nutrition consultation
  • 4 x 30 minute follow ups
  • Personalised nutrition and lifestyle protocols
  • Recipes
  • Home and environment assessment and recommendations
  • Online support to keep you motivated and track your progress
  • 10% discount on supplements via Amrita Nutrition and The Natural Dispensary
  • Nutrition testing recommendations & interpretation of tests